Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Grandest Prize - by William T. Card

I received an email today from a website that sends inspirational quotes and such, and when I opened it up I found this poem that speaks of something we can all relate to.   It’s about striving for worthy goals in life, especially the ones that make you stretch.  

The Grandest Prize
In summing up the things to praise,
For what they do for me,
There’s one to which I give first place,
Whose virtues plain I see.
I pay it well-earned tribute,
For it to me doth teach
Life’s greatest, noblest lesson,
‘Tis the prize beyond my reach.
It dares me come and take it,
It says to me, “You know
By struggle and by effort
Your strength and skill will grow;
I’ll not surrender tamely,
Tho’ you wheedle and beseech,
But if you toil you’ll win me,
Tho’ now beyond your reach.”
And I have found that always
Whene’er I use my skill,
My muscle and intelligence,
My energy and will,
I’m always sure to win it,
And sweet beyond all speech
Is the rapture of the capture
Of the prize once out of reach.
-William T. Card