Thursday, July 10, 2014

About Me, why did I choose to become an Entrepreneur?

January of 2008 found me contemplating life very seriously as I was on the tail end of a vicious fight against Lyme disease that debilitated me for years, reducing me to a wheel chair for most of that time and now that I was 90% back, it was time to do something to help out towards our future as my husband had carried the ball the whole time I was ill.  Having always worked with my husband in his company, I already knew a regular job was not going to work at all as there is no way I could be paid enough and because I still work for my husband, there are times that I travel with him  and a boss would not be impressed with me flitting here and there as needed!  On top of that, my husband would be needing to retire in about 10 years or less and we weren't anywhere near prepared for that so although I wasn't sure what I needed, I started searching anyway.

Looking through our local paper my eyes fell upon a particular ad and it read that I could work from home using my home computer and phone in my own hours, and something was already feeling good about that!  After watching the video on a website, I became even more excited and filled out the request for more information, then promptly forgot about it moments later.  The very next day I received a phone call from a lady who brought me through all of the information at no cost, pressure or risk to me. Once I said "YES" to Your Freedom Project, I was more than excited about starting my own business,  doing everything I was taught to get it up and running and while I was still learning what to do, I was also doing it and I became a director in 3 months.

In being so busy working on two important priorities in my life (my health and my business), I wasn't watching the points or the trackers or anything like that so I was quite surprised to find out through my trainers that I had qualified for the Mayan Riviera trip and in fact I could bring a third person if I wanted to.  It was in that moment that I truly understood Dr. Shaklee's quote:  "The more you share with others, the more your share becomes"  because for me, it's always been about my team and their success, and they are a huge part of the reason that I chose to go to the Vegas convention.  I knew that two of my directors were going to be recognized and there was no way I wanted to miss that and what a great reason to go and meet them in person as well as some of their team members.

Once we were in Vegas and had checked into the MGM Grand, Charlie and I went to the VIP section to pick up our registration packages and it wasn't until then that I realized I was being recognized in not one but two catagories:  Rank Advancement and Net Gain 1st Generation.  It meant I'd have to be in a seperate parade across the Grand Ballroom Stage than my team would be but  I really enjoyed the fact that I could sit back and cherish the moment when both directors crossed the stage and talk about tears of joy and in my eyes, I was so proud of them!  On the last night of the conference those of us who were in the Two Star catagory and above were recognized on the same big beautiful stage where we were actually introduced by name and got to shake hands with Roger Barnett, and wow was that a humbling moment.  I would not have gotten to experience that if it wasn't for the Freedom Project and all the fabulous leaders and coaches along the way as well as having an incredible team that like me, are still here. In crossing the stage, it was all of the above mentioned and everyone involved that I was representing and I am so very grateful for that honor. 

If you're finding yourself at some sort of a crossroad in your life where maybe you want more time freedom, wishing to stay home with your children, more income, you hate your futureless job, you want a better future or maybe you're just looking for something fun and productive to do at home, then this just might be your answer.  Won't you check it out today for free?

Sunday, July 6, 2014

What's this "law of attraction" about and how do we achieve that?

Lee M. Jenkins
Personal and Professional Development Coach, wrote this and I had to share it with you:

Love everything that happens to you. It is one of the secrets to working the law of attraction. Love every minute of the day and make it a real part of your life. Get used to this new way of feeling and it will lift you to the next dimension, the place where you should be in order to work the law of attraction.

Love your car, your house, the trees and the flowers. Love the birds and appreciate the beautiful sounds they make. Love your friends and love your neighbors. Love ...
Love everything that happens to you. It is one of the secrets to working the law of attraction. Love every minute of the day and make it a real part of your life. Get used to this new way of feeling and it will lift you to the next dimension, the place where you should be in order to work the law of attraction.

Love your car, your house, the trees and the flowers. Love the birds and appreciate the beautiful sounds they make. Love your friends and love your neighbors. Love is a state of mind. You can just decide to do it, and when you do, you will find that love bounces back to you, and with it the ability for you to work wonders with your mind.

Throw away all you past attitudes and beliefs. Start loving everything that exists in this world. They are here for a reason and they are subjected to the same laws and conditions of existence as you do. Develop the disposition of a loving heart and you will emit a stronger vibration to the universe for your desires. The light that shines in your aura is conditioned by the qualities of your character. The better and purer you are, the greater the light and depending on its brilliance is whether or not you can work wonders.

Be patient and be courageous. Be regular in your meditation before you go to bed and when you wake up early in the morning. Be calm and loving no matter what obstacles you may be facing. Love is the factor that opens any door and you need to cultivate love everyday in order to reach that higher dimension where the law of attraction is working from.

If you look at people who have had the greatest achievements with the law of attraction people like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Oprah, Richard Branson etc, they have this aura with them that emanates love whenever they appear. They praise, they educate, they give and they advice, all attributes of people with a loving heart. Their disposition brings them to a higher plane where success just breeds more success.

You must cultivate a strong loving heart to reach this higher plane and purity in your disposition. People who are full of envy, vengeance, and selfishness just clog up their minds which result in weak manifestations when they try to send their thoughts to the universe.

Let people try hard to hurt you by any means and use the strength of your character to avoid getting angry. When you manage to overcome any attempt to topple your character which you have built solidly on love, you are at a better position to work the magic in your mind and put the law of attraction to your advantage.

With a loving heart, you are striving on purity. Purity of character sends a stronger vibration to the universe and the law of attraction works better for people who have reached this state of being.