Thursday, October 29, 2009

"I don't want to spend money to make money"

I'm always suprised when I hear the argument that "I don't want to spend money to make money" because that's what you're doing when you go to work at a regular J.O.B. so that argument seriously makes no sense.  Not sure what I mean?

Let me ask you, when you have a J.O.B. that you have to travel to and from on a daily basis, how do you get there?  Right, you either drive or take a bus, maybe you car pool to save a few bucks or if you're really lucky you can walk to work, but most people can't as their job is too far away from home.  Let's say you drive to work.  How much is your gas expense on a monthly basis?  $200?  $300?  $500 or more?  I know in my husband's business where he's a soul proprietor, his fuel expense is an average of $600 - $800 a month but he can write it off as a business expense.  At a regular J.O.B., can you write off your fuel?  Probably not.

Ok, a lot of jobs require a certain dress code so there's another expense and yes, you can argue that we need to buy clothes anyway...that's true, but would you really wear those same work clothes to go to a social event?  Depending on what your clothes are, probably not and I'm referring to coveralls, work boots, waitress aprons, hard hats, nursing scrubs and those sorts of job related clothes.

How about rising costs of daycare?  If I had a nickel for every time that a parent told me that daycare was too expensive, I'd be making twice as much as I do now!  

There's a lot of other smaller incidentals that we can chalk up to the expense of going to work but the bottom line is that we have to spend money to make money no matter how you cut it.

I had one guy visit my site who suggested that he shouldn't have to pay to start an online business and that the company should just deduct from his pay what his start up costs were once he started making money.  I thought that was very interesting and decided to explore that with him and so I asked him; if he were to start up a business in the physical, would he have to rent, lease or purchases a building or some office space?  and he agreed that yes he would have to, which led me to ask him if he would have to have some kind of supplies and/or inventory in that space to operate his business and of course he agreed.  I think you can guess where this line of questioning was going but in the end, I asked him if he felt that all of those start up costs should be waived because as he put it, he shouldn't have to pay to start a business and therefore, once he started earning an income, everyone who pitched in by supplying all of those things to him at no cost could then deduct that from his earnings.  He got the picture.

You can not start any kind of a business for free, be it online or in the physical and if anyone out there tries to tell you differently, I hope you're able to have a long hard look at their offer before making any kind of a commitment because it is simply not possible.  Common sense says so doesn't it?

I'm not saying you have to invest thousands and thousands of dollars, I didn't but one thing I want people to think of is that once they've found the right business for themselves that they're willing to invest in, they need to view it as investing in themselves as they're really actually investing in their future, and that future will invest back into them whereas the boss from a J.O.B. won't.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Authentic Business Opportunities - What to look for

Today I'd like to focus on what we should look for in an authentic business opportunity as I get asked that question quite often.

We want to be able to represent the highest quality products available so that we don't have to compete on price or convenince.  In otherwords, we want products attached to our business that give very unique results that nobody else can offer so that people come back every month for years and years to shop from us.  We don't want "run of the mill" products that people can grab off the shelves of typical grocery stores if they run out of what they've been purchasing from us as that would defeat the purpose if our products were that competetive with typical brands.

(In the near future I'm going to do product comparisons on things like skin care, weight lose programs, green cleaners, etc etc....the things that will remain at the front of the trend for decades to come....and I'll talk about trends more as well but one thing at a time.)

Something else we need in order to have a successful business is repeat use of products because we need our clients or customers to come back month after month for as many years as possible.  If we're distributing products that are a 1shot a gaming system, jewelry, furniture and things like that, we'd need to continually increase our clientele or come up with new styles to be very competitive because people don't use up gaming systems, furniture or jewelry and need more in the next month or two. So we want something consumable, something that is part of the every day life.

We also need a huge growing market to supply.  Just to touch lightly on this...what creates trends is our baby boomers, who are a huge wave of people that don't want to get older and they really don't want to look older, so they're wanting products that will not only help them to look better and feel better, they also want to live longer.  Now with Generation X getting older, they too are wanting the same things so we need to be able to supply this growing market with what they want so that we don't become one of those "fly by night" businesses that are here today and gone tomorrow.

The last one that I'm going to mention today is that it's important to be able to represent products that are guaranteed by the manufacturer and I mean that in a literal sense.  Either the products give the results that you want or else you should be able to return the empty containers for a full refund.  This is going to protect both you and your clients.

I think for today I'll leave it at that, but should you feel you have questions or you'd like me to blog on something else regarding business opportunities and products, feel free to leave me a request.  If I can do it, I will!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Why Be BossFree?

Since I've been self employed from home as an International Home Business Trainer over the last year and a half, I've learned so much from others who have searched high and low for ways to be able to work from home, be it a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) or by setting up some kind of a legitimate business that really can be operated from their homes.

When I've asked what they're looking for, what they're hoping to find, the most common answers have been that they want to stay home with their children, they don't want to have to travel to and from their jobs, they want to have flexible hours and the #1 common denominator is that "They want to be their own Boss".

What they don't want is to have to pay for the information, they don't want to do cold calling, parties or product demos and they generally don't want to do direct sales.

Other things that these people do want is to be involved with something that has a purpose, a corporation of some sort that will not only better their own future but the future of others as well. All businesses have to move some kind of a product and so then they want to know that the products are the best of the best of what people want, what people are already spending their money on so that they can be in front of at least one growing trend without having to compete against better known companies that might have better quality products of a competitive nature.

Knowing this and more, I'm quite pleased with the fact that I have found something that addresses this and so much more, while being able to give the gift of being "BossFree" to others in 3 easy steps....hense the domain name "".

So now that you know the main purpose of my blog, you'll also want to know that I will be featuring products from different companies, showing comparisons, giving information in great detail so that you'll be able to make informed details as to which companies offer what without having to learn any of this the hard way....which these days is through the wallet.