Sunday, October 18, 2009

Why Be BossFree?

Since I've been self employed from home as an International Home Business Trainer over the last year and a half, I've learned so much from others who have searched high and low for ways to be able to work from home, be it a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) or by setting up some kind of a legitimate business that really can be operated from their homes.

When I've asked what they're looking for, what they're hoping to find, the most common answers have been that they want to stay home with their children, they don't want to have to travel to and from their jobs, they want to have flexible hours and the #1 common denominator is that "They want to be their own Boss".

What they don't want is to have to pay for the information, they don't want to do cold calling, parties or product demos and they generally don't want to do direct sales.

Other things that these people do want is to be involved with something that has a purpose, a corporation of some sort that will not only better their own future but the future of others as well. All businesses have to move some kind of a product and so then they want to know that the products are the best of the best of what people want, what people are already spending their money on so that they can be in front of at least one growing trend without having to compete against better known companies that might have better quality products of a competitive nature.

Knowing this and more, I'm quite pleased with the fact that I have found something that addresses this and so much more, while being able to give the gift of being "BossFree" to others in 3 easy steps....hense the domain name "".

So now that you know the main purpose of my blog, you'll also want to know that I will be featuring products from different companies, showing comparisons, giving information in great detail so that you'll be able to make informed details as to which companies offer what without having to learn any of this the hard way....which these days is through the wallet.

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