Monday, October 19, 2009

Authentic Business Opportunities - What to look for

Today I'd like to focus on what we should look for in an authentic business opportunity as I get asked that question quite often.

We want to be able to represent the highest quality products available so that we don't have to compete on price or convenince.  In otherwords, we want products attached to our business that give very unique results that nobody else can offer so that people come back every month for years and years to shop from us.  We don't want "run of the mill" products that people can grab off the shelves of typical grocery stores if they run out of what they've been purchasing from us as that would defeat the purpose if our products were that competetive with typical brands.

(In the near future I'm going to do product comparisons on things like skin care, weight lose programs, green cleaners, etc etc....the things that will remain at the front of the trend for decades to come....and I'll talk about trends more as well but one thing at a time.)

Something else we need in order to have a successful business is repeat use of products because we need our clients or customers to come back month after month for as many years as possible.  If we're distributing products that are a 1shot a gaming system, jewelry, furniture and things like that, we'd need to continually increase our clientele or come up with new styles to be very competitive because people don't use up gaming systems, furniture or jewelry and need more in the next month or two. So we want something consumable, something that is part of the every day life.

We also need a huge growing market to supply.  Just to touch lightly on this...what creates trends is our baby boomers, who are a huge wave of people that don't want to get older and they really don't want to look older, so they're wanting products that will not only help them to look better and feel better, they also want to live longer.  Now with Generation X getting older, they too are wanting the same things so we need to be able to supply this growing market with what they want so that we don't become one of those "fly by night" businesses that are here today and gone tomorrow.

The last one that I'm going to mention today is that it's important to be able to represent products that are guaranteed by the manufacturer and I mean that in a literal sense.  Either the products give the results that you want or else you should be able to return the empty containers for a full refund.  This is going to protect both you and your clients.

I think for today I'll leave it at that, but should you feel you have questions or you'd like me to blog on something else regarding business opportunities and products, feel free to leave me a request.  If I can do it, I will!

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